Granola Apple Yogurt

  • One Apple
  • As much Vanilla non-fat yogurt as you want
  • 1/2 cup of Special K Granola
It's a healthy way to start or end your day...or to simply eat in the middle of the day. It is for breakfast, lunch, dinner...anything!! :) Granola and yogurt one of my favourite..hmm can I call it a meal? 
The crunchyness of the granola all mixed together with the yogurt's consistency...YUM! Actually, the fatter the yogurt the better the consistency, but for diet issues..lets leave it at non-fat! haha..As long as the granola is still crunchy and the yogurt is till's allllll good. Seriously, soggy granola is one the BIGGEST turn-offs in life and the same goes to cereals.
By adding fruits like bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries you create a different mixture of texture and flavour! This particular mixture might be a little sweet for some of you out there, I'm personally not a fan of things that are overwhelmingly sweet and artificial (the vanilla yogurt), but I guess the natural taste of the apples and the grainy flavours of the granola balances everything out.
Oh! AND it keeps you full!! :D


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